How To Set Up Payments
Once we have confirmed your place and you have received a confirmation email please click on the button below and complete the form to setup your direct debit account with us. We will then set up the payments for you. Places are not fully confirmed until we have set up your payments.
As with all direct debits you have a direct debit guarantee which can be viewed below.
If you have any questions about the payments please do contact us.
Thank You.
As standard payments are taken on the 2nd of each month – if you would prefer an alternative payment date please email us to arrange this. Payments are taken from December – March for the January term, April – July for the summer term and August – November for the winter term (one month in advance). If you join us part-way through the term payments may be split over two or three months as most appropriate.
There is a one off £5 membership fee per child when joining us which reserves your space and includes a free Seahorses swimming hat.
Spaces are booked for the whole term and payments are set up for the number of months of the appropriate term. If for any reason you are discontinuing lessons at the end of term your direct debit will end automatically and there is no need to do anything further.
Your place is booked for the whole term and we require 6 weeks term time notice in writing to discontinue lessons at the end of the current term.