Children can join our preschool classes (without parents in the water) anywhere from 2.5/3 years, once they are ready.
We support each child as an individual and may suggest joining a baby & toddler class in order for your little on to gain confidence
with yourself in the water first, particularly if your child has not been in the water before, has had a bad experience or is nervous.

Course Details
Our preschool classes focus on enjoyment and confidence in the water and are also an introduction to swimming techniques and skills. Classes are based on age and swimming experience.
It is very common for it to take a couple of weeks for our newly starting preschoolers to get to know ourselves and the lessons and to settle in. We will always persevere and suggest completing half a term to see how your little one gets on. If for any reason they do not settle in to the classes we may suggest joining a baby & toddler class (with yourselves in the water) and will support you through this process and in finding an alterative suitable class wherever possible.

We ask that our preschool children wear arm discs (which we provide) when they first start lessons with us as some of the pools are too deep for them to stand. This is for safety reasons and we will start to reduce the discs once the children can hold the woggle safely at all times and have correct body position, leg kick and gain confidence. We continue to use them to enable more independent swimming during the lesson, a sense of freedom in the water and to be able to get more swims in throughout the class. Arm discs do in no way hinder your child’s progress or cause dependence and allow them to progress and gain independence more quickly.
Children cannot physically support themselves in order to take repeated breaths and swim unaided until around the age of 3. We focus on building confidence in the water and introducing techniques and skills correctly so that the children can progress faster.
Cost & Term Structure
Preschool classes have a maximum of just 3 children per class, depending on pool location, and two classes running side by side in the pool. Sometimes the classes may work together on certain skills or to join in group games. We swim alongside the school terms with a break for half terms and holidays (40 weeks per year) and also run additional swim weeks during half terms and holidays.
Availability & Booking
We are constantly expanding the classes we offer so the timetable above is subject to change. Preschool classes are based on age and ability – please contact us to confirm availability and register your interest in a class. To join our waiting list to receive priority of available spaces please complete a booking form.
Payment Options
Lesson payments are taken by monthly direct debit, are calculated based on the number of weeks of the term and are split over the four months of each term. Payments are taken one full month in advance. Full information about payment details is available under “Pay Online”.