We offer school aged classes for all abilities on a 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 & 1:4 basis. Our school age classes are grouped based on ability into beginners, improvers and advanced. Please see our course information and award section to determine your child’s ability.

Course details
Our school aged classes focus on enjoyment and confidence in the water as well learning correctly from the outset with technique and skills across all strokes. We could teach the children to get from point A to B unaided very quickly but if this is not done with correct technique it will only take far longer to correct this than it would have done to teach correctly from the start.
We focus on making sure all our swimmers and confidence and safe in the water so also focus on safety knowledge and skills. We recommend that all children learn to swim to a very minimum standard of 25m correct frontcrawl, backstroke and breastroke as well as completed our personal survival/safety courses before they can think about stopping lessons.

Joining Us & Our Award Scheme

All new children joining us will be assessed during their first lesson to make sure they are in the correct ability class and can progress quickly. It is often the case that children who have learnt to swim unaided elsewhere or have not had formal lessons may need to re-visit some areas if their technique is not yet correct so that they can progress further past this point.
We run our own fantastic award scheme which has been carefully developed to be inclusive and adaptable to all children and in order to show progress made. For school aged children the award scheme is divided into three sections – beginners, improvers and advanced. To read more about our award scheme see the Award Scheme option under Courses.
Cost & Term Structure
We offer school aged classes on a 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 or 1:4 basis, depending on the pool and our availability. We have just two classes swimming side by side during the lesson and sometimes classes may work together for part of the lesson, either whilst we are assessing abilities and ensuring classes are best grouped for learning or to work on certain skills or group activities. We swim alongside the school terms with a break for half terms and holidays (approximately 40 weeks per year) and also run additional swim weeks during half terms and holidays.
Availability & Booking
We are constantly expanding the classes we offer due to high demand for our lessons. Classes are based on ability and allocated on a first come first served basis from when we receive a completed booking form. Priority is given to current swimmers. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Payment Options
Lesson payments are taken by monthly direct debit, are calculated based on the number of weeks of the term and are split over the four months of each term. Payments are taken one full month in advance. Full information about payment details is available under “Pay Online”.